Andrew Liteplo, M.D. RDMS
Dr. Andrew Liteplo is an attending physician at the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine. He received his M.D. from New York University School of Medicine. Dr. Liteplo completed his residency in emergency medicine at Kings County Medical Center, which was followed by an emergency ultrasound fellowship at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center.
Dr. Liteplo is also an assistant professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School. He has lectured in many courses nationally and internationally as an expert in emergency ultrasound. In 2007, Dr. Liteplo started the Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship within the MGH ED, serving as the fellowship director since its inception. He has also created the International Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship, which provides a training ground for international emergency medicine physicians who are seeking to learn emergency ultrasound and return to their countries to be leaders in the field.

Calvin Huang, M.D. MPH
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Drake Coffey, M.D.
Dr. Drake Coffey is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine and a faculty member in the Division of Emergency Medicine Ultrasound.
Dr. Coffey grew up in Texas, and has traveled and trained broadly. He earned MD from Boston University School of Medicine. He then served as an officer in the US Army Medical corps for several years. After completing his military service Dr. Coffey completed a pediatric internship at University of San Francisco-Fresno, then Emergency Medicine Residency at Pennsylvania State University. In 2014 he completed a fellowship in Emergency Medicine Ultrasound at Yale University School of Medicine before joining the faculty at University of Texas Health- San Antonio in 2014. He joined the Emergency Department at Mass General Hospital, and our ultrasound team, in the fall of 2017.
Dr. Coffey's research interests are in novel applications of ultrasound and ways of enhancing resident education.
The Massachusetts General Hospital Emergency Department Division of Emergency Ultrasound was founded in 2003. The program initially pioneered the development and initiation of a mandatory training rotation for residents in the Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency program and introduced the concept of point-of-care ultrasound diagnostics to the care and treatment of patients in the emergency department at MGH. The program has grown to now include a one year emergency ultrasound fellowship program for graduates of emergency medicine residency programs, a visiting fellows program for international physicians interested in learning point of care ultrasound, a robust research program in new applications for point of care ultrasound and outcome research studies looking at the impact of point of care ultrasound on patient care, and a medical student elective for fourth year students to learn point of care ultrasound. In addition, the division offers several continuing medical education courses a year for physicians in many specialties in point of care ultrasound image acquisition and interpretation. Finally, the division is represented in numerous national and international organizations promoting the integration of point of care ultrasound into the management of the critically ill patient. Division faculty participate actively in bringing ultrasound technology to resource poor settings to provide imaging diagnostics where there was none previously – both domestically and internationally – by teaching and providing quality assurance image review.
About Us
Our Goal
To foster learning in the entire medical community and to convince everyone that point of care ultrasound is helpful and really does impact that lives of our patients