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Past Publications

Ma IWY, Caplin JD, Azad A, Wilson C, Fifer MA, Bagchi A, Liteplo AS, Noble VE.

December 01, 2017

Henwood PC, Mackenzie DC, Liteplo AS, Rempell JS, Murray AF, Leo MM, Dukundane D, Dean AJ, Rulisa S, Noble VE.

June 01, 2017

Henwood PC, Mackenzie DC, Rempell JS, Douglass E, Dukundane D, Liteplo AS, Leo MM, Murray AF, Vaillancourt S, Dean AJ, Lewiss RE, Rulisa S, Krebs E, Raja Rao AK, Rudakemwa E, Rusanganwa V, Kyanmanywa P, Noble VE.

December 01, 2016

Marin JR, Abo AM, Arroyo AC, Doniger SJ, Fischer JW, Rempell R, Gary B, Holmes JF, Kessler DO, Lam SH, Levine MC, Levy JA, Murray A, Ng L, Noble VE, Ramirez-Schrempp D, Riley DC, Saul T, Shah V, Sivitz AB, Tay ET, Teng D, Chaudoin L, Tsung JW, Vieira RL, Vitberg YM, Lewiss RE.

December 01, 2016

Gaspari R, Weekes A, Adhikari S, Noble VE, Nomura JT, Theodoro D, Woo M, Atkinson P, Blehar D, Brown SM, Caffery T, Douglass E, Fraser J, Haines C, Lam S, Lanspa M, Lewis M, Liebmann O, Limkakeng A, Lopez F, Platz E, Mendoza M, Minnigan H, Moore C, Novik J, Rang L, Scruggs W, Raio C.

December 01, 2016

Rempell JS, Saldana F, DiSalvo D, Kumar N, Stone MB, Chan W, Luz J, Noble VE, Liteplo A, Kimberly H, Kohler MJ

November 01, 2016

Nelson M, Abdi A, Adhikari S, Boniface M, Bramante RM, Egan DJ, Matthew Fields J, Leo MM, Liteplo AS, Liu R, Nomura JT, Pigott DC, Raio CC, Ruskis J, Strony R, Thom C, Lewiss RE.

November 01, 2016

Song Y, Hernandez N, Gee MS, Noble VE, Eisner BH.

September 01, 2016

Lewiss RE, Adhikari S, Carmody K, Fields JM, Hunt P, Liteplo AS, Nagdev A, Raio C, Gaspari R.

July 01, 2016

Modi P, Glavis-Bloom J, Nasrin S, Guy A, Chowa EP, Dvor N, Dworkis DA, Oh M, Silvestri DM, Strasberg S, Rege S, Noble VE, Alam NH, Levine AC.

January 01, 2016

Shah S, Bellows BA, Adedipe AA, Totten JE, Backlund BH, Sajed D.

December 01, 2015

Mackenzie DC, Khan NA, Blehar D, Glazier S, Chang Y, Stowell CP, Noble VE, Liteplo AS.

September 01, 2015

Sanders JL, Noble VE, Raja AS, Sullivan AF, Camargo CA Jr.

September 01, 2015

Lam SH, Bailitz J, Blehar D, Becker BA, Hoffmann B, Liteplo AS, Rajan KB, Lambert M.

July 01, 2015

Kotagal M, Quiroga E, Ruffatto BJ, Adedipe AA, Backlund BH, Nathan R, Roche A, Sajed D, Shah S

July 01, 2015

Arasu VA, Abujudeh HH, Biddinger PD, Noble VE, Halpern EF, Thrall JH, Novelline RA.

May 01, 2015

Lewiss RE, Hayden GE, Murray A, Liu YT, Panebianco N, Liteplo AS.

October 01, 2014

Smith-Bindman R, Aubin C, Bailitz J, Bengiamin RN, Camargo CA Jr, Corbo J, Dean AJ, Goldstein RB, Griffey RT, Jay GD, Kang TL, Kriesel DR, Ma OJ, Mallin M, Manson W, Melnikow J, Miglioretti DL, Miller SK, Mills LD, Miner JR, Moghadassi M, Noble VE, Press GM, Stoller ML, Valencia VE, Wang J, Wang RC, Cummings SR.

September 01, 2014

Henwood PC, Mackenzie DC, Rempell JS, Murray AF, Leo MM, Dean AJ, Liteplo AS, Noble VE.

September 01, 2014

Liu YT, Zehtabchi S, Liteplo AS.

August 01, 2014

Via G, Hussain A, Wells M, Reardon R, ElBarbary M, Noble VE, Tsung JW, Neskovic AN, Price S, Oren-Grinberg A, Liteplo A, Cordioli R, Naqvi N, Rola P, Poelaert J, Guliĉ TG, Sloth E, Labovitz A, Kimura B, Breitkreutz R, Masani N, Bowra J, Talmor D, Guarracino F, Goudie A, Xiaoting W, Chawla R, Galderisi M, Blaivas M, Petrovic T, Storti E, Neri L, Melniker L; International Liaison Committee on Focused Cardiac UltraSound (ILC-FoCUS); International Conference on Focused Cardiac UltraSound (IC-FoCUS).

July 01, 2014

Mackenzie DC, Sajed D, Noble VE.

July 01, 2014

Lewiss RE, Tayal VS, Hoffmann B, Kendall J, Liteplo AS, Moak JH, Panebianco N, Noble VE.

April 01, 2014

Howard ZD, Noble VE, Marill KA, Sajed D, Rodrigues M, Bertuzzi B, Liteplo AS.

January 01, 2014

Eicken JJ, Billington M, Noble VE.

December 01, 2013

Brattain LJ, Telfer BA, Liteplo AS, Noble VE.

December 01, 2013

Alba GA, Kelmenson DA, Noble VE, Murray AF, Currier PF.

November 01, 2013

Martindale JL, Noble VE, Liteplo A.

October 01, 2013

Tirado A, Wu T, Noble VE, Huang C, Lewiss RE, Martin JA, Murphy MC, Sivitz A, Cohen SG.

February 01, 2013

Sensitivity of point-of-care ultrasonography for common thoracic injuries.

Mackenzie DC, Liteplo AS, Noble VE.

January 01, 2013

Eicken JJ, Wilcox SR, Liteplo AS.

September 01, 2012

Elmer J, Sajed D.

August 01, 2012

Frasure SE, Rempell JS, Noble VE, Liteplo AS.

August 01, 2012

Volpicelli G, Elbarbary M, Blaivas M, Lichtenstein DA, Mathis G, Kirkpatrick AW, Melniker L, Gargani L, Noble VE, Via G, Dean A, Tsung JW, Soldati G, Copetti R, Bouhemad B, Reissig A, Agricola E, Rouby JJ, Arbelot C, Liteplo A, Sargsyan A, Silva F, Hoppmann R, Breitkreutz R, Seibel A, Neri L, Storti E, Petrovic T; International Liaison Committee on Lung Ultrasound (ILC-LUS) for International Consensus Conference on Lung Ultrasound (ICC-LUS).

April 01, 2012

Fagenholz PJ, Murray AF, Noble VE, Baggish AL, Harris NS.

January 01, 2012

Agricola E, Arbelot C, Blaivas M, Bouhemad B, Copetti R, Dean A, Dulchavsky S, Elbarbary M, Gargani L, Hoppmann R, Kirkpatrick AW, Lichtenstein D, Liteplo A, Mathis G, Melniker L, Neri L, Noble VE, Petrovic T, Reissig A, Rouby JJ, Seibel A, Soldati G, Storti E, Tsung JW, Via G, Volpicelli G.

September 01, 2011

Ilgen JS, Manini AF, Hoffmann U, Noble VE, Giraldez E, Nualpring S, Bohan JS.

July 01, 2011

Hwang JQ, Kimberly HH, Liteplo AS, Sajed D.

March 01, 2011

Labovitz AJ, Noble VE, Bierig M, Goldstein SA, Jones R, Kort S, Porter TR, Spencer KT, Tayal VS, Wei K.

December 01, 2010

Manini AF, Ilgen J, Noble VE, Bamberg F, Koenig W, Bohan JS, Hoffmann U.

November 01, 2010

Levine AC, Shah SP, Umulisa I, Munyaneza RB, Dushimiyimana JM, Stegmann K, Musavuli J, Ngabitsinze P, Stulac S, Epino HM, Noble VE.

October 01, 2010

Martindale JL, Bunker CJ, Noble VE.

September 01, 2010

Marsh RH, Levine AC, Noble VE, Brown DF, Nadel ES.

September 01, 2010

Kimberly HH, Murray A, Mennicke M, Liteplo A, Lew J, Bohan JS, Tyer-Viola L, Ahn R, Burke T, Noble VE.

August 01, 2010

Noble VE, Blaivas M, Blankenship R, Chiricolo G, Dean A, Fox JC, Gaspari R, Hoffmann B, Jones R, Moore C, Sierzenski P, Tayal V, Tillotson R.

July 01, 2010

Perkins AM, Liteplo A, Noble VE.

May 01, 2010

Noble VE, Liteplo AS, Nelson BP, Thomas SH.

April 01, 2010

Manini AF, McAfee AT, Noble VE, Bohan JS.

June 01, 2009

Noble VE, Murray AF, Capp R, Sylvia-Reardon MH, Steele DJR, Liteplo A.

June 01, 2009

Soremekun OA, Noble VE, Liteplo AS, Brown DF, Zane RD.

April 01, 2009

Shah SP, Epino H, Bukhman G, Umulisa I, Dushimiyimana JM, Reichman A, Noble VE.

March 01, 2009

Zehtabchi S, Morley EJ, Sajed D, Greenberg O, Sinert R.

January 01, 2009

Ramirez-Schrempp D, Dorfman DH, Baker WE, Liteplo AS.

January 01, 2009

Fagenholz PJ, Gutman JA, Murray AF, Noble VE, Camargo CA Jr, Harris NS.

November 01, 2007

Fagenholz PJ, Gutman JA, Murray AF, Noble VE, Wu A, Zeimer G, Harris NS.

November 01, 2007

Fagenholz PJ, Gutman JA, Murray AF, Noble VE, Thomas SH, Harris NS.

April 01, 2007

Choi MH, Sajed D, Poole L, Hirata K, Herdman S, Torian BE, Reed SL.

September 01, 2005

Noble VE, Brown DF.

August 01, 2004

Noble VE, Legome E, Marshburn T.

April 01, 2003

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